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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
September 11, 2008

Present: D. Lawton, J. Kempton, S. Mentzer, R. Ferguson,  J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer

July 31, 2008 meeting record approved.

Bailey Road/Putnam Road intersection
Theresa Crean, a resident who lives in close proximity to this intersection, attended tonight's meeting. She addressed the committee with her concerns relating to traffic safety at this intersection. Considerable discussion,  including her input, ensued. All present tonight have visited the site. The following motion was made and passed unanimously: The island at this intersection should be reformed into a more nearly elliptical shape; the present YIELD sign at the entrance of the right leg of Putnam Road where joining Bailey Road should be removed; two STOP signs should be erected on Putnam Road at the entrance to Bailey Road, one on the right side of the right leg and one opposite this on the island; two DO NOT ENTER signs should be erected on the back side of the two STOP signs; another sign to be installed on the island facing Putnam Road traffic indicating pictorially an island with traffic passing to the right of the island only. The intent of this motion is to produce a one way traffic pattern around the island in a counter-clockwise direction as seen from overhead. Jim Zingarelli is to discuss implementation with Rich DeWitt of DPW.

Avery Heights Drive/Avery Road intersection
A recent accident at this intersection resulted in one or more calls to DPW requesting a review of existing conditions. T/C members visited the site prior to tonight's meeting. After discussion the following motion was made and passed unanimously: Remove the present YIELD sign on Avery Heights Drive entering this intersection and install a STOP sign on Avery Road in the uphill direction entering the intersection. Jim Zingarelli is to discuss the implementation with DPW (Rich DeWitt).

Sherwood Hill Road
Jim Zingarelli reports that he has discussed the installation of the CHILDREN sign requested by T/C at last month's meeting with Rich DeWitt but is not sure if the sign has been installed yet.

Winter Hill Road/Newell Road intersection
A Newell Road resident has requested a STOP sign be installed on Winter Hill Road where it enters Newell Road. Some T/C members and Jim Zingarelli have visited the site. No action is deemed necessary or recommended at this time.

Traffic Access Management (TAM)
There is nothing to report re Don Lawton's May 15, 2008 memo to the Planning Board concerning the implementation of a TAM plan.

Holden Master Plan
No action required by T/C at this time.

DPW Director
James Shuris of Princeton has been appointed DPW Director.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Next meeting: Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 7pm.